european smart cities

Nataša Pichler-Milanovic

Nataša Pichler-Milanovic is a senior researcher at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. She has graduated in Geography and Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Belgrade (Serbia) and London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), University of London, UK. She was employed as a researcher and lecturer at universities in Belgrade, London, Tokyo and Ljubljana. Her field of expertise is in housing, urban and regional development, planning and policy analysis. Her current research interests include housing market analysis, urban competitiveness, cooperation and networking, cross-border polycentric development, territorial governance and sustainability analysis. She has authored and edited several books and published articles in a variety of international journals. She is also a peer reviewer for Urban Studies, Housing Studies, Urban Affairs, European Journal of Housing Policy, Progress in Planning. She is an active member of European Network of Housing Research (ENHR) and International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP), and consultant for EU, UN and OECD.

Tel. +386-1-241 1487


Department of Geography, University of Ljubljana

The Department of Geography has been established in 1919 and is the largest geography department in Slovenia with about 30 employees, 500 graduate and post-graduate students, research centre, library, physical, GIS and cartographic laboratories, a base for Association of Geographical Societies of Slovenia, Young Geographers and ALUMNI Association. The Department has close links and relations with other European universities and is also participating in international research and cooperation programmes (FP, INTERREG, ESPON, ASO, TEMPUS, SOCRATES, bilateral, etc.), e-learning activities, etc. It has special expertise in environmental studies, regional planning, urban and rural studies, political geography, applied geo-informatics and geography of tourism.

University of Ljubljana
Department of Geography / Faculty of Arts
Aškerceva 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana

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smart cities model
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